Alpha Course

Church Locked Down, But Not Locked Up

The past year has been tough, unusual, weird, sad and a host of other adjectives, not many of which have been positive.

In spite of this, we, as a church, have not been inactive and through a lot of very hard work and dedication, especially by our staff, musicians and the technical teams, we have maintained regular services and online activities. As we move into a new year, we are working on the launch of a revamped web site and have updated some of the broadcast and sound equipment available in the church.

This has been made possible through the continued support of you, our faithful congregation and a substantial grant from Allchurches Trust to support development, enhancement and expansion of our online ministry and allow more people to safely attend church.

Allchurches Trust is one of the UK’s largest grant-making charities and gave more than £16 million to churches, charities and communities in 2018. Its funds come from its ownership of Ecclesiastical Insurance Group.

As we move through 2021, we will continue to use this funding to look at options to safely increase capacity in the church building and how we manage our online activities. We will also review how we might maintain this ministry for those who may wish to use it after we can finally return to our building in normal numbers.

Your continued support is vital to our ongoing ministries and I would take this opportunity to ask if you are in a position to do so, that you consider reviewing your giving so that we can meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.


Richard Thompson
Honorary Treasurer, Lisburn Cathedral

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