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Weddings: “...a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one." Matthew 19:5

We love a good wedding, and are delighted to see couples make a lifelong commitment to one another and to God.

The Cathedral is a beautiful setting for a wedding and if you wish to arrange a wedding with us, you can contact Danielle or Sam. Please do not book the venue for your reception before speaking to us, as we cannot guarantee that your preferred date will be available.

For those getting married at the Cathedral, we require that Christian standards of living are upheld, Morning Worship is attended weekly and the couple complete a pre-marriage course run by Christian Guidelines.

You can click to download our Wedding Info Sheet

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Baptisms: Jesus’ command was that we should baptise people in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, so baptism forms a part of what we do on occasional Sunday mornings throughout the year.

Baptism is a sacrament, or outward sign, of an inward spiritual grace.

In a service where we use water as the marker, Christian parents (and often godparents) make promises that they will bring up a child in the Christian faith and we, as a congregation, commit to praying for, and encouraging the individual as they grow up as a member of the Cathedral. One of images we find most helpful in explaining baptism, is that it is a blank cheque, that is ‘cashed in’ when the baby grows up and chooses to follow Jesus for himself or herself.

Another command from the Bible is that we should “believe and be baptised”. Sometimes people join the Cathedral as believers or come to faith, and wish to be baptised as adults, and we are also delighted to facilitate this in our Sunday morning worship by baptism at the font or by full immersion.

If you would like to explore baptism or arrange a baptism for you or your child, please contact Sam or Danielle.

Parents wishing to find out more about baptism for their child can click to download our Infant Baptism Info Sheet

Young people or adults wishing to find out about baptism can click to download our Adult Baptism Info Sheet

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infant baptism adult baptism

Confirmations: We believe that people need to own their faith, to stand up and say "I have decided to follow Jesus"... Confirmation is a great way to do that.

In the Old Testament part of the Bible, parents were encouraged to pass on the stories of God’s wonders to their children and they were given a symbol to mark their children for God. We believe in the sacrament of Baptism, but there comes a time in every life when we need to claim the promises of God for ourselves. This is why we encourage everyone in our Church, young and old, to explore the idea of being confirmed.

Every 2 years, we run a course called “I Believe” helping any young people considering confirmation about the core principles of the Bible as well as a closer look at what the Church of Ireland believes.

Once people have been through the course, and had time to consider the truths of the Christian faith, they are able to make their own decision about whether they want to confirm their faith at a special service in the Cathedral and receive prayer and the laying on of hands from our Bishop.

Any adults wishing to be confirmed should Contact Sam or Danielle.

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