Alpha Course


Your decision to give to the Cathedral enables us, in turn, to meet our financial responsibilities each month.

Our financial responsibilities include: supporting local pastoral and mission work directly, through our paid staff; supporting our mission partners; keeping the building, fabric & surroundings of the church in good condition; supporting our charity partners; and much more.

At present we are seeking to maintain the support we provide to mission and charitable organisations, because we appreciate that for many, this is a difficult time financially. We are called to make a difference in our community and our world, to be transforming lives for Christ, and this does require a financial commitment.

We need your help to continue to meet our regular outgoings, which we are keeping under constant review. Members of our Cathedral community give in a range of ways: standing order, freewill offering, one off and legacy gifts. We have been encouraged by so many members of our church family asking how to support us by standing order at this time.

Click here to download the form with all the information you need to do this.

If you are setting up a standing order, you can send the completed form to your bank.

If you have online banking and want to set up a standing order, get in touch with our Treasurer at the email address below.

Gift Aid forms can be sent to the Treasurer by email – treasurer@lisburncathedral.org – or by post to the church office.

Lisburn Cathedral
24A Castle Street
BT27 4XD

Lisburn Cathedral is a registered charity with the Charity Commission of Northern Ireland. Charity No. NIC101233

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