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Youth Notice Board

If you're aged between 11-18 years old, we would love you to connect!

Sunday Night Youth is our youth programme designed to help our young people’s personal, social and spiritual development.

Every Sunday Night Youth runs from 6.30-8pm on Sunday evenings.

We also offer mentoring for our young people to encourage them in their faith.

If you’re 11-18 and interested in getting involved, reach out on our social media or email Lee, our curate.

“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”

Sunday Night Youth Resources

Mettle WHO? series
This was a program initiated and run by young people from Lisburn Cathedral in our youth venue Mettle during February 2020.

From this program, 4 video sessions have been created, free to be used by anyone in a variety of settings, whether individually or as a group.Read the article published in the Church Of Ireland Gazette about the series in the Cathedral back in April by clicking the link on the right. A leaders resource has also been prepared, with guidance and suggestions on running your sessions in addition to a general overview of what’s covered throughout the series.

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